Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Increase the share of your visitors who turn into loyal users to drive rapid growth.
Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is vital for ecommerce for several reasons. To start with, if you have an active website, you are likely to have spent a substantial sum of money to turn traffic to your business one way or another. With a well set-up CRO, your conversion rate will be high with a proper return on investment ratio (ROI). It’s also essential to remember that retaining customers and making them return to your website is much easier and cheaper than to attract new visitors. CRO also improves the attention span of website visitor by providing them with attractive personalized information before they get tired of looking at it.

Why Conversion Rate Optimization is important?
  • Improved CRO equals better ROI
  • Retaining customers more cost-effective than attaining new
  • Improves customers’ time spent on site

But optimization for the sake of it will not bring you the right customers. Keeping the focus of your CRO on finding those customers who really employ and love your product is of the essence. It won’t do your business any good if the people visiting your page are the wrong fit. For this reason, OrbitLift pays particular attention not only to the quantitative features but puts quality foremost.

Conversion Rate Optimization is a Multi-Step Process
  1. 1Step 1: Analysis

The questions we ask are based on the structure of your website and its comprehensive review. We analyze each page and its content according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance
  • Clarity
  • Value
  • Friction
  • Distraction
  1. 2Step 2: Developing hypothesis

Experimentation with hypotheses is at the core of the scientific method we use. This systematic approach allows us to explore the possibilities to improve conversion rates.

We practice a hypothesis-driven approach by allowing our team to develop and build on new ideas to create long standing successful decisions for our customers. Even a slight organizational change in your website’s structure via a series of experiments can help us determine the anticipated outcome.

  1. 3Step 3: Implementing changes

Experimentation with hypotheses is at the core of the scientific method we use. This systematic approach allows us to explore the possibilities to improve conversion rates.

We practice a hypothesis-driven approach by allowing our team to develop and build on new ideas to create long standing successful decisions for our customers. Even a slight organizational change in your website’s structure via a series of experiments can help us determine the anticipated outcome.

  1. 4Step 4: Tracking, measuring and analyzing KPI

There are hundreds of different ways to improve retention. Before we start on this process, OrbitLift team decides on what metrics to improve. The most important metrics we track are:

  • Traffic Sources
  • New Visitor Conversion
  • Return Visitor Conversion
  • Interactions Per Visit
  • Value Per Visit
  • Cost Per Conversion
  • Bounce Rate
  • Exit Pages
  1. 5Step 5: Running A/B tests and iterating until seeing sustainable growth

The last but not least part of the process starts only when we understand your market peculiarities and its segmentation. A/B testing allows us to introduce careful improvements to user experiences and collect their feedback data. If we are proved wrong and the change doesn’t better the experiences we refine and iterate until the A/B test shows sustainable growth.

Still not sure you need it? Read our case study

What is the end goal of conversion optimization? You can easily reduce your prices by 90%, and your conversion rates will be sky-high, and you will go out of business. So we do not improve conversions alone, we help your sustain business growth.

  1. 1Step 1: Analysis

The questions we ask are based on the structure of your website and its comprehensive review. We analyze each page and its content according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance
  • Clarity
  • Value
  • Friction
  • Distraction
  1. 2Step 2: Developing hypothesis

Experimentation with hypotheses is at the core of the scientific method we use. This systematic approach allows us to explore the possibilities to improve conversion rates.

We practice a hypothesis-driven approach by allowing our team to develop and build on new ideas to create long standing successful decisions for our customers. Even a slight organizational change in your website’s structure via a series of experiments can help us determine the anticipated outcome.

  1. 3Step 3: Implementing changes

Experimentation with hypotheses is at the core of the scientific method we use. This systematic approach allows us to explore the possibilities to improve conversion rates.

We practice a hypothesis-driven approach by allowing our team to develop and build on new ideas to create long standing successful decisions for our customers. Even a slight organizational change in your website’s structure via a series of experiments can help us determine the anticipated outcome.

  1. 4Step 4: Tracking, measuring and analyzing KPI

There are hundreds of different ways to improve retention. Before we start on this process, OrbitLift team decides on what metrics to improve. The most important metrics we track are:

  • Traffic Sources
  • New Visitor Conversion
  • Return Visitor Conversion
  • Interactions Per Visit
  • Value Per Visit
  • Cost Per Conversion
  • Bounce Rate
  • Exit Pages
  1. 5Step 5: Running A/B tests and iterating until seeing sustainable growth

The last but not least part of the process starts only when we understand your market peculiarities and its segmentation. A/B testing allows us to introduce careful improvements to user experiences and collect their feedback data. If we are proved wrong and the change doesn’t better the experiences we refine and iterate until the A/B test shows sustainable growth.


Process of conversion optimization –
starting from analysis, hypothesis, experiment conduction
to demonstration of improvements

In the case of our optimization services for a large B2B2C Marketplace we took the challenge of dealing wi th an ever-growing database of an e-commerce company. The business was in dire need of improving conversion rates to stay afloat. We have found new opportunities for them and constructed a list of recommendations to improve their profits.

The key elements were:
  • Keep the webpage simple
  • Creating the shortest path to reach products helps a lot
  • Bad and inconsistent content does a lot of harm
  • Meet shoppers’ interests and not the merchants’ first
We also separated customers into:
  • General retail buyers
  • “Discount hunter” retail buyers
  • “New product hunter” retail buyers
  • Wholesale buyers
  • B2B buyers

Indeed, the process of improvement does not end in a single step and results can be visible only in some time. Nevertheless, we had some tangible results from the start:

email marketing

We improved retention via state-of-the-art email marketing. Customers returned to the marketplace several times a month on average instead of once a quarter.

We improved brand image from a place

We improved brand image from a place “where you can’t find anything” to “where I can find everything.”

Lifted conversion rates for all major product categories

Lifted conversion rates for all major product categories, the particular effect, was on FMCG buyers.

Let us crunch your data to identify your best way to growth
Let us crunch your data to identify your best way to growth

Let us crunch your data to identify your best opportunities on how to grow your revenues. Ultimately, we aim at improving the relevance of your e-commerce website. Conversion optimization is not something you can do on your own in your free time. It’s a process that requires complex and in-depth approaches that we can provide.

There are a few issues you need to remember before you contact us to start your conversion optimization journey:

  • Testing is a continuous process
  • There is a place for hypotheses, but they are by no means pure guesswork
  • Opinions come second after the data facts
  • Pouring money into advertising without setting up conversion means wasting resources
  • Everything requires testing but not all at once
  • And if are left interested with conversion optimization or have any questions, you can always ask your dedicated team
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